About me

I'm a scientist for 3M's Corporate Research Lab, working on sensor fusion. I completed my physics Ph.D. in 2018 after five years with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Collaboration.

My work consists of researching hardware and writing software to fuse various sensor data for deeper insights. I'm interested in machine learning techniques both for applications in my research and as a hobby, and I enjoy playing music, cooking, and painting.

Recent Posts

Particle filter example

Particle filter This particle filter estimated the location of an agent in one dimension, using sensors that measure the agent’s speed and proximity to interesting building features such as doors, hallways, and wide rooms.

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Frequency of high winds at Denver Int’l Airport

Frequency of high winds at Denver International Airport Wind speeds have a significant impact on landing approaches and scheduling at airports, therefore understanding the tendencies of local weather patterns is a significant aspect of planning for airport construction and operation. ASOS The ...

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