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Professional Experience


Senior Research Scientist | Apr 2019 — present | St. Paul, MN

  • sensor fusion research and development

Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center

Graduate Research Assistant | Jan 2015 — Dec 2018 | Madison, WI

  • write software for analysis of neutrino data in follow-up searches of astrophysical transient sources.
  • evaluate systematic errors in data reconstruction, acquisition, and analysis.
  • mentor younger researchers, teaching mathermatical foundations for likelihood methods, software frameworks, data types, organizational structures within collaboration, data visualization and presentation.
  • read and analyze newly published research; interpret results and present implications on past results, current developments, and interesting future analyses.

University of Wisconsin — Madison

Teaching Assistant | Sep 2014 — Dec 2014 | Madison, WI

Universtiy of Wisconsin — Eau Claire

Electronics Lab Assistant | Jan 2014 — May 2014 | Eau Claire, WI
Teaching Assistant | Jan 2013 — May 2014 | Eau Claire, WI
Physics Tutor | Jan 2012 — Dec 2013 | Eau Claire, WI

Programming Skills

Python (Scikit-learn, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib), LaTeX, SQL, C++, Bash, LabView, git, HDF5


Ph.D. in Physics

University of Wisconsin — Madison (December 2018)

M.S. in Physics

University of Wisconsin — Madison (May 2017)

B.S. in Physics (math minor)

University of Wisconsin — Eau Claire (May 2014)
Summa Cum Laude, Departmental Honors


PhD Dissertation (PDF): Searches for Neutrinos from Fast Radio Bursts and Other Astrophysical Transients with IceCube.
University of Wisconsin, Madison. Physics. Defended November 29, 2018.

IceCube Collaboration (2019). A Search for MeV to TeV Neutrinos from Fast Radio Bursts with IceCube.
The Astrophysical Journal (pending). arXiv.

IceCube Collaboration (2018). A Search for Neutrino Emission from Fast Radio Bursts with Six Years of IceCube Data.
The Astrophysical Journal. 857 (2018) no.2, 117 ApJ. ArXiv.

S. Fahey et al., (2017). A search for neutrinos from fast radio bursts with IceCube.
The Astrophysical Journal. 845 (2017) no.1, 14 ApJ. ArXiv.

G. Stecher et al., (2015). The Rotation Period of 4528 Berg.
Minor Planet Bulletin, 42 (2015) 148. MPB.